C++ Reference
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This section contains reference material about using C++Builder in RAD Studio.
In particular, the C++ Specifics section in the C++ Language Guide describes various language-related features that distinguish the use of the C++ language in C++Builder (such as descriptions of the currently supported C++11 features and recommendations on working with the default string type, UnicodeString).
C++Builder Language Guide
- C++ Language Guide
- ANSI Implementation-specific Standards
- Lexical Elements
- Language Structure
- C++ Specifics
- The Preprocessor (contains help for directives and macros)
- Keywords, by Category
- Keywords, Alphabetical Listing
C++Builder Reference
- C Run-Time Library
- C++ Error and Warning Messages
- C++ Class Explorer Topics
- Using CodeGuard to Debug C++ Applications
- Boost Libraries
- The Dinkumware Standard C++ Library is provided separately in the RAD Studio online help.
C++Builder Developer's Guide
The C++Builder Developer's Guide is an extensive set of detailed reference topics about using C++Builder for developing many types of applications.
Win32 Developer's Guide contains information that was printed in previous editions of the C++Builder Developer's Guide. Most of this information applies to both C++Builder and Delphi.