Supported Win32 Clang-enhanced Boost Libraries

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Go Up to Boost

Go Up to Win32 Clang-enhanced Compilers

RAD Studio includes support for a number of C++ Source Libraries (Boost Libraries) that work with Win32 Clang-enhanced Compilers.

In the following list, you will find supported Boost libraries along with test percentage results.

Library Name Boost 1.68 Pass Rate
throw_exception 100.00%
metaparse 100.00%
bind 100.00%
chrono 100.00%
foreach 100.00%
detail 100.00%
tuple 100.00%
any 100.00%
io 100.00%
timer 100.00%
sort 100.00%
unordered 100.00%
typeof 100.00%
multi_array 100.00%
heap 100.00%
assert 100.00%
gil 100.00%
intrusive 100.00%
msm 100.00%
utility 100.00%
array 100.00%
flyweight 100.00%
functional 100.00%
tokenizer 100.00%
disjoint_sets 100.00%
assign 100.00%
logic 100.00%
range 100.00%
preprocessor 100.00%
winapi 100.00%
type_traits 100.00%
callable_traits 100.00%
crc 100.00%
integer 100.00%
fusion 100.00%
lockfree 100.00%
mpl 100.00%
property_map 100.00%
predef 100.00%
ratio 100.00%
static_assert 100.00%
atomic 100.00%
tti 100.00%
move 100.00%
iterator 100.00%
phoenix 99.52%
qvm 99.22%
vmd 98.77%
spirit 98.57%
smart_ptr 98.28%
mp11 98.11%
serialization 98.07%
parameter 98.04%
hof 98.04%
container_hash 97.96%
algorithm 97.87%
function 97.78%
graph 97.70%
container 96.55%
local_function 96.51%
xpressive 96.08%
accumulators 95.74%
test 95.61%
type_erasure 95.00%
ptr_container 95.00%
bimap 95.00%
type_index 94.74%
lambda 94.12%
scope_exit 94.12%
units 93.62%
polygon 93.33%
signals2 93.33%
rational 92.86%
yap 92.68%
concept_check 92.31%
icl 92.00%
hana 91.78%
convert 91.67%
proto 91.30%
math 91.18%
pool 90.91%
statechart 90.91%
thread 90.95%
optional 90.00%
exception 89.80%
core 89.31%
lexical_cast 89.29%
system 89.13%
iostreams 88.89%
function_types 88.10%
variant 87.10%
multi_index 86.96%
random 86.87%
asio 84.78%
log 84.00%
endian 83.33%
align 83.33%
process 82.00%
multiprecision 81.85%
filesystem 81.82%
regex 81.25%
interprocess 81.16%
python 78.95%
stacktrace 78.38%
config 78.26%
safe_numerics 75.29%
date_time 74.36%
dynamic_bitset 71.43%
format 66.67%
dll 65.38%
beast 63.25%
uuid 62.96%
geometry 60.98%
conversion 60.00%
wave 60.00%
locale 56.52%
contract 49.10%
histogram 46.67%
program_options 43.24%
circular_buffer 42.86%
property_tree 28.57%
outcome 8.33%
mpi 0.00%
poly_collection 0.00%
compute 0.00%
graph_parallel 0.00%
coroutine2 0.00%
coroutine 0.00%
context 0.00%
fiber 0.00%
parameter_python 0.00%

See Also