Binary Operators Summary (C++)

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These are the binary operators in C++Builder:

Arithmetic Operators

For more information, see Arithmetic Operators (Unary).

Arithmetic Operator Description Arithmetic Operator Description


Binary plus (add)


Binary minus (subtract)






Remainder (modulus)

Bitwise Operators

For more information, see Bitwise Operators.

Bitwise Operator Description Bitwise Operator   Description


Shift left


Shift right


Bitwise AND


Bitwise XOR (exclusive OR)


Bitwise inclusive OR

Logical Operators

For more information, see Logical Operators.

Logical Operator Description


Logical AND

Assignment Operators

For more information, see:

Assignment Operator Description Assignment Operator Description




Assign product


Assign quotient


Assign remainder (modulus)


Assign sum


Assign difference


Assign left shift


Assign right shift


Assign bitwise AND


Assign bitwise XOR


Assign bitwise OR

Relational Operators

For more information, see:

Relational Operator Description Relational Operator Description


Less than


Greater than


Less than or equal to


Greater than or equal to


Equal to


Not equal to

Component Selection Operators

For more information, see Overloading the Class Member Access Operator ->.

Component Selection Operator Description


Direct component selector


Indirect component selector

Class Member Operators

For more information, see:

Class Member Operator Description


Scope access/resolution

Use the scope access (or resolution) operator :: (two colons) to access a global (or file duration) name even if it is hidden by a local redeclaration of that name.


Dereference pointer to class member

Use the .* operator to dereference pointers to class members.

The first operand must be a class type. If the type of the first operand is class type TFoo, or is a class that has been derived from class type TFoo, the second operand must be a pointer to a member of a class type TFoo.


Dereference pointer to class member

Use the ->* operator to dereference pointers to class members.

The first operand must be a pointer to a class type. If the type of the first operand is a pointer to class type TFoo, or is a pointer to a class derived from class type TFoo, the second operand must be a pointer to a member of class type TFoo.


The pointer-to-member operators are probably best explained with an example such as this one:

#include <iostream>

class TFoo {
  void func() {
    std::cout << __func__ << std::endl;
  int data;

void (TFoo::*pmfn)() = &TFoo::func;
int TFoo::*pmd = &TFoo::data;

int main() {
  TFoo foo;
  TFoo *pfoo = &foo;

  // Call func with foo/pfoo
  (foo.*pmfn)();   // With object
  (pfoo->*pmfn)(); // With pointer

  // Set/read data with object and ptr respectively
  foo.*pmd = 123;
  std::cout << "data=" << pfoo->*pmd << std::endl;

  return 0;

Conditional Operators

For more information, see Conditional Operators.

Conditional Operator Description


Actually a ternary operator. For example: a ? x : y means "if a then x else y".

Comma Operator

For more information, see Comma Operator.

Comma Operator Description



Other C++ Specific Operators

See Also