Keywords, Alphabetical Listing Index
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This section contains an alphabetical list of C++ keywords. See also the Keywords, By Category Index.
Note: When using the keywords specific to C++11, such as nullptr, noexcept, and so on (see for complete list), RAD Studio IDE always recognizes these keywords, but previous-generation C++ compilers (BCC32) return a compilation error. Please note that only Clang-enhanced C++ Compilers support the C++11 standard.
- alignas (since C++11)
- alignof (since C++11)
- and
- and_eq
- asm, _asm, __asm
- auto
- __automated
- axiom
- bitand
- bitor
- _Bool
- bool, false, true
- break
- case
- catch
- cdecl, _cdecl, __cdecl
- char
- char16_t (since C++11)
- char32_t (since C++11)
- class
- __classid
- __classmethod
- __closure
- compl, ~
- _Complex
- concept
- concept_map
- const
- const_cast(typecast Operator)
- constexpr (since C++11)
- continue
- __declspec
- __declspec(allocate("SEGNAME"))
- __declspec(delphiclass)
- __declspec(delphirecord)
- __declspec(delphireturn)
- __declspec(delphirtti)
- __declspec(dllexport)
- __declspec(dllimport)
- __declspec(dynamic)
- __declspec(hidesbase)
- __declspec(naked)
- __declspec(noreturn)
- __declspec(nothrow)
- __declspec(novtable)
- __declspec(package)
- __declspec(pascalimplementation)
- __declspec(property)
- __declspec(selectany)
- __declspec(thread)
- __declspec(uuid("ComObjectGUID"))
- decltype (since C++11)
- default
- delete
- __delphirtti
- deprecated
- __dispid
- do
- double
- Dynamic cast (C++ Type Cast Operator)
- __emit__
- enum
- __except
- explicit
- export
- _export, __export
- extern
- _fastcall, __fastcall
- final (C++)
- __finally
- float
- for
- friend
- goto
- if, else
- _Imaginary
- _import, __import
- inline
- __inline
- int
- Extended Integer Types: __int8, __int16, __int32, __int64
- late_check
- long
- __msfastcall
- __msreturn
- mutable
- namespace
- new
- noreturn
- not, !
- not_eq, !=
- nullptr (since C++11)
- operator
- or
- or_eq
- pascal, _pascal, __pascal
- private
- __property
- protected
- public
- __published
- register
- reinterpret_cast(typecast Operator)
- requires
- restrict
- return
- __rtti, -RT Option
- short
- signed
- sizeof
- static
- static_assert (since C++11)
- static_cast(typecast Operator)
- _stdcall, __stdcall
- struct
- switch
- template
- this
- thread_local (since C++11)
- __thread
- throw
- try
- __try
- typedef
- typeid
- typename
- typeof
- union
- unsigned
- using
- uuidof
- virtual
- void
- volatile
- wchar_t
- while
- xor, ^
- xor_eq, ^=