paclient.exe, the Platform Assistant Client Application
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paclient.exe is a command-line client for the Platform Assistant server. You need to install and run the Platform Assistant server on the target machine to run or debug an application for 64-bit Windows (when the development PC is 32-bit Windows), macOS or iOS, as well as to run or debug any Windows application remotely or to deploy an application for Windows, macOS, or iOS. You do not need to install or run the Platform Assistant server to run, debug, or deploy an application for Android.
When the target platform is iOS, the target machine is macOS.
paclient.exe is part of the product installation on the development PC.
If you use the IDE instead of command line utilities, you do not need to use paclient.exe.
You can find the paclient.exe application in C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\bin
The following command deletes files from the server installation on an macOS remote target platform that has IP address The command deletes all files related to MyOldRemoteProfile. The ./
(dot-slash) indicates that the directory list is relative to the directory where paserver is installed on the target platform, and **
means that all subdirectories are searched:
> paclient --host= --Remove=./**/* MyOldRemoteProfile
Command-Line Help
Here is the command line help for paclient.exe:
> paclient.exe -? Platform Assistant Client Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. Usage: paclient [<options>] ProfileName where <options> include: -h<name> or --host=<name> Specify the name or IP address of the remote/host machine running the Platform Assistant Server -p<number> or --port=<number> Specify the port the Platform Assistant Server is configured for. Default to 64211 -m<platform> or --platform=<platform> Specify the target platform. Possible values are "Win32", "OSX32", "Win64" -a<file/dir> or --add=<file/dir> Add file/dir to the list of items to be cached. You may specify multiple file/dir separated with ';'. You may also use this option more than once. File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --add=c:\abc\**\*.* where ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc) -ai<file/dir> or --addinclude=<file/dir> Add include file/dir to the list of items to be cached. You may specify multiple file/dir separated with ';'. You may also use this option more than once. File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --addinclude=c:\abc\**\*.* where ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc) -al<file/dir> or --addlibrary=<file/dir> Add library file/dir to the list of items to be cached. You may specify multiple file/dir separated with ';'. You may also use this option more than once. File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --addlibrary=c:\abc\**\*.* where ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc) -af<dir>[,*] or --addframework=<dir>[,*] Add framework files to the list of items to be cached. You may specify multiple dir separated with ';'. You may also use this option more than once -g<file/dir>[,<destdir>] or --get=<file/dir>[,<destdir>] Copy file/dir from the remote/host machine running the Platform Assistant Server. You may specify multiple file/dir,destdir separated with ';'. You may also use this option more than once. File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --add=c:\abc\**\*.* where ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc) -u<file/dir>[,<destdir>][,<flags>][,<destname>] or --put=<file/dir>[,<destdir>][,<flags>][,<destname>] Copy file/dir to the remote/host machine running the Platform Assistant Server. You may specify multiple file/dir,destdir,flag,destname separated with ';'. You may also use this option more than once. Possible flags values are "0", "1", "2", "3", "5" where 0 for normal file, 1 for runnable file, 2 for archive file, 3 for executable file, and 5 for script file. File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --put=c:\abc\**\*.* where ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc) -r<file/dir> or --remove=<file/dir> Remove file/dir from the list of items to be cached locally. You may specify multiple file/dir separated with ';'. You may also use this option more than once. File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --remove=c:\abc\**\*.* where ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc) -R<file/dir> or --Remove=<file/dir> Remove file/dir from the remote/host machine running the Platform Assistant Server. You may specify multiple file/dir separated with ';'. You may also use this option more than once. File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --Remove=c:\abc\**\*.* where ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc) -l or --local Update and display information about the specified Profile without initiating a connection to the Platform Assistant Server -s<dir> or --sysroot=<dir> Indicate the local directory where the remote files will be cached. Default to C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Profiles\<ProfileName> -t<number> or --timeout=<number> Specify the timeout in seconds when connecting to the Platform Assistant Server. Default to 0 second -e<number> or --error=<number> Stop copy after n errors. Default to 20 errors -k or --keep Keep files whose source time is different than the destination time -pw<text> or --password=<text> Specify the login password for the Platform Assistant Server -pk<text> or --passkey=<text> Specify the login password (encrypted) for the Platform Assistant Server -pf<file> or --passfile=<file> Specify the login passfile for the Platform Assistant Server -c<path,certificate[,entitlement]> or --codesign=<path,certificate[,entitlement]> CodeSign the application with certificate on the remote machine running the Platform Assistant Server -i<path,outpath,certificate,profile> or --ipa=<path,outpath,certificate,profile> Create application .ipa file with certificate and provisioning profile on the remote machine running the Platform Assistant Server -pb<path,installpath,outpath,certificate> or --productbuild=<path,installpath,outpath,certificate> Create application .pkg file with certificate on the remote machine running the Platform Assistant Server -v or --verbose Print out the files processed -? or --help Print this help screen