Data Unload (SQL SVR, SYB ASE)

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DBArtisan offers a simple, five-panel wizard that can export table data via Microsoft SQL Server's BCP (bulk copy program) utility or Sybase ASE's BCP (bulk copy program) utility. After defining the data export operation, you can save the job definition for future re-use.

Tip: For related information, see Data Load (SQL SVR, SYB ASE).

To unload table data

  1. Connect to the datasource containing the data to be unloaded and ensure that it is the selected datasource. For details, see Connected/Selected Datasource options.
  2. Select Utilities > Data Unload. The Data Unload Wizard opens.
  3. The options and steps involved depend on the DBMS type and on the selections you make. Use the following table as a guide to providing details as you pass through the pages of the wizard.
Panel Option Description


Do you wish to initiate a new data unload operation or ‘play back’ a previously saved operation?

New Data Unload Operation - Select to define a new data unload operation. ‘Playback’ Previous Data Unload Operation - Select to use a previously defined schema extraction operation. Then in the Data Unload Definition File Name box type the location and name of the job file or click the browse button.


In which directory should the unloaded files be placed?

Lets you specify the directory by typing the location and name of the directory or find the directory by clicking the browse button.

Which database has the data you wish to unload?

Lets you click the list, and then select the server. Then click the list, and then click the database.

What character should delimit columns in the unloaded data files?

Lets you click the list, and then select the character.


The following options are available against SQL Server datasources.

Table Owner

Lets you select the target tables to unload.

Upd Stats button

Select the target tables and click button to update the table row counts.

Select All button

Click to select all tables.

Unselect All button

Click to unselect all tables.

The following options are available against Sybase ASE datasources.

Row Terminator

Lets you enter a value for this common BCP option.

Packet Size

Lets you enter a value for this common BCP option.

Text/Image Size

By default, Sybase only copies the first 32K of data in a text or image field. To override default size, type a new size.

Client Char Set

Lets you enter a value for this common BCP option.


Do you wish to re-use this data unload operation?

To re-use this data unload operation, type the location and name of the data unload definition file or find the file by clicking the Browse button. DBArtisan writes a migrate definition file using the *.unload file extension that includes your job definition.


Review the data unload operation description to verify its accuracy. If you need to make any changes, click Back to scroll back to the appropriate panels of the wizard to make your corrections.

5. When ready, click Execute.