Why does oadutil reg -e' with blank characters fail?

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When using the -e option to pass a PATH environment variable to the OAD I experience the following problems on Windows NT

1. using the following

-e PATH="C:Program FilesDevStudioSharedIDEBIN;C:Program FilesDevStudioVCBIN;C:Program

FilesDevStudioVCBINWINNT;d:jdk1.1.6bin;D:vbc33bin;D:vbc33adm;C:WINNTsystem32;C:WINNT;C:Program FilesMaestro.nt;C:ORANTBIN;;E:DevStudioVCBIN;E:DevStudioVCBINWINNT"

is read as

env = (length=1)[PATH=c:Temp;C:Program; ]

It does not recognize the space in program files

2. using -e PATH="C:Program FilesDevStudioSharedIDEBIN;C:Program FilesDevStudioVCBIN;C:Program FilesDevStudioVCBINWINNT;d:jdk1.1.6bin;D:vbc33bin;D:vbc33adm;C:WINNTsystem32;C:WINNT;C:Program FilesMaestro.nt;C:ORANTBIN;;E:DevStudioVCBIN;E:DevStudioVCBINWINNT"

I get the following exception

Assertion failed!

Program: d:vbc33examplesaccountaccount_server.exe File: vpipe.C Line: 55


This also occurs in VBC32 NT

This is possibly a duplicate of failure 8769


The problem can be easily solved by using shell escape character :

original command: oadutil reg -i Account -o Jack B. Quick -cpp account_server -e test="1 2"

using shell escape character, the problem is gone: oadutil reg -i Account -o Jack B. Quick -cpp account_server -e test="1 2"

The problem is due to the double quote character, ", being interpreted by the shell before it gets passed over to our actual command.

Article originally contributed by Thomas Moyles