API Error Index

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When you perform a resource API request (glossaries, terms, ER objects, people, data sources), you might run into any of the following errors:

HTTP Status Code Response Description

Bad Request

    "message":"<field> field is required",
    "status": 400

Your POST request did not include the specified field. This is a mandatory field.

    "message":"<field> is required",
    "status": 400
    "message":"There is a <resource type> with the same name",
    "status": 400

In the target Team Server installation there is already a resource of the specified type with the name that you specified in your POST request for your new resource. You must choose a different name for your new resource, as there cannot be two resources of the same name.

    "message":"<field name> must be an integer",
    "status": 400

The parameter specified in the error message must be an integer, but it was not in your request. Check your request data.

    "message":"<field name> must be positive",
    "status": 400

The parameter specified in the error message must be a positive integer, but you specified a negative integer instead. Check your request data.

    "message":"Error parsing json content",
    "status": 400

Your request contains invalid JSON code. You can check the validity of your JSON code with an online validator, such as JSONLint.


    <error_description>Full authentication is required to access this resource</error_description>

Your request is missing an access_token field. This is a mandatory field. See Obtaining Authorization to Use the API.

    <error_description>Invalid access token: <token></error_description>

The access token that you specified in your request is invalid. Your access token might have expired. See Obtaining an Access Token Using a Refresh Token.


    "status": 403

You may get this error if your user does not have enough permissions to perform the requested operation (such as PUT or DELETE) on the resource of the specified type with the specified ID.

Not Found

    "message":"No <type of resource> match filter",
    "status": 404

If you are performing a request that specifies a single resource by its ID (such as GET v1/businessglossaries/<id> or PUT v1/datasources/<id>), this error indicates that there is no resource of the specified type with the specified ID in the target Team Server installation.

    "message": "Steward <data> not found",
    "status": 404

In your POST or PUT request you specified a steward that does not exist.

The requested resource (<resource path>) is not available.

You entered the wrong API URL. These are examples of valid OAuth API URLs:

  • http://teamserver.example.com/api/v1/businessglossaries
  • http://teamserver.example.com/api/v1/datasources
  • http://teamserver.example.com/api/v1/diagrams

Method Not Allowed

Request method '<method>' not supported

If you get this error:

  • Check that the request method you used is allowed. Make sure you are using the right method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for the API you access. For example, you cannot request GET v1/businessglossaries or POST v1/datasources/<id>.
  • If you are using a POST or PUT request, you may have forgotten to include in your request the Content-Type HTTP header defined with the value application/json.

Internal Server Error

    "message": "Internal Server Error",
    "status": 500

If you receive this error, repeat your request with the same parameters, to ensure that this is not a random error.

If the issue persists, please contact the administrator of your Team Server installation.