Understanding WhereScape Integration

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WhereScape is a toolset for data warehouse architects to automate the design, creation, and operation of a data warehouse to reduce costs and increase warehouse security. WhereScape also enables you to connect with data architecture and data governance teams to provide a self service and continuous data ecosystem.

ER/Studio can provide marked up models of data sources to WhereScape 3D to aid in the curation process and reduce the metadata gathering phase. This markup comes from logical data models and the business glossary, and helps warehouse architects understand the meaning and context of data.

This mark up can be used to drive automations that apply security to data in the warehouse. Data policies applied to business terms coming through the integration with Collibra can now automatically drive these automations. Imagine security in your warehouse automatically driven by policies set against data in Collibra.

Getting Started

My Settings > WhereScape

In order to export to WhereScape, ER/Studio users must set up the parameters of the export via a series of settings and property mapping pages as well as having the ability to chose the model or glossary you want to export.