Optimizing the Synchronization Process

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By default, the synchronization process runs at least two instances of PortalIntf.exe, so that ER/Studio Team Server can process smaller diagrams and large in parallel.

To configure the number of PortalInf.exe processes that run simultaneously, go into the ER/Studio Team Server installation folder, open tomcat/webapps/root/web-inf/ersportal-app.xml, and locate the following lines:

<bean id="syncProperties" class="com.embarcadero.embarcadero.erstudio.portal.etl.parallelrun.SyncProperties">
  <property name="maxThreads" value="2" />
  <property name="filterSubModelImages" value="true" />

The value of the property with name="maxThreads" represents the number of instance of PortalInf.exe that can run simultaneously. Increase this value to optimize the synchronization process.

You can also change the value of the property with name="filterSubModelImages". Set it to "false" to turn off the selective Submodel Export functionality. In this case, the query does not run and, therefore, all submodel images are generated.

See Also