VariantArrays (C++)

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This example demonstrates the use of variant arrays. In this example, a variant array is created, modified, populated, and then freed.


void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
	Variant array;
	int bounds[2] = {0, 9};

	Create a variant array of 10 elements, starting at 0
	and ending at 9. The array contains elements of type integer.
	array = VarArrayCreate(bounds, 1, varInteger);

	// Increase the length of the variant array.
	VarArrayRedim(array, 49);

	MessageDlg(String("Variant array has ") + IntToStr(VarArrayDimCount(array)) +
		" dimensions", mtInformation, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK, 0);

	// Traverse the array from lower to higher bounds.
	for (int i = VarArrayLowBound(array, 1); i <= VarArrayHighBound(array, 1); i++)
		// Put the element I at index I.
		VarArrayPut(array, i, &i, 0);

	// Now read the elements of the array.
	for (int i = VarArrayLowBound(array, 1); i <= VarArrayHighBound(array, 1); i++)
		// Put the element I at index I.
		if (VarArrayGet(array, &i, 0) != i)
			MessageDlg("Error! Invalid element found at current position!",
				mtError, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK, 0);

	// Clear the variant array.
