Files in the Install API

From InterBase

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The API consists of following files:

Install API files required for writing an InterBase install
File Description


A library of functions—the “install engine”

  • An API that contains ten functions plus the full text of all InterBase error messages and warnings.
  • Installed when any InterBase option is installed.


For C programmers:

  • A header file that contains function declarations and related values, and a list of error and warning messages and their numbers.
  • Installed with the IBDEV option.


For C++Builder programmers:

  • A library file that contains the list of functions in ibinstall.dll.
  • Installed with the IBDEV option.


For Microsoft Visual C programmers:

  • A header file that contains function declarations and related values, and a list of error and warning messages and their numbers.
  • Installed with the IBDEV option.


For Delphi programmers:

  • An Object Pascal sourcefile that contains function declarations and related values.
  • Installed with the IBDEV option.

These files are all available on the InterBase CDROM. They are also copied as part of the InterBase install when the DEV option is chosen at install time.

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