Exporting and Importing Delimited Data

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Use the TIBSQL component, along with TIBOutputDelimitedFile and TIBInputDelimitedFile objects to perform batch exports and imports of data to and from a database into pipe-tilde (|~) and Z -W-F delimited files.

Use a SQLSELECT statement to export the data to the delimited file, and an INSERT statement to import the delimited data into another database.

By default, the column delimiter is a tab, and the row delimiter is a tab-line feed (Z -{{{1}}}-F). Use the ColDelimiter and RowDelimiter properties to change the column delimiter and row delimiter, respectively.

For example, to set the column delimiter to a comma, you could use the following line of code:

DelimOutput.ColDelimiter := ',';
Note: Columns may contain spaces before the delimiter. For example, if you have a column called NAME which is defined as a CHAR(10), and the name “Joe” is in that column, then “Joe” will be followed by 7 spaces before the column is delimited.
