Resolved Defects

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External Defect # Description
(QC)SalesForce #
Internal Defect #
InterBase XE7 Update 7: MAY 2017, bugs fixed in version 12.0.7.

Sales Force 536921

InterBase backup hangs at a table with a Change View subscription

Sales Force 554655

Update 6 and trial installer script for Linux has Windows line endings
INTB-3260 Can not execute License Manager Launcher for InterBase XE7 Linux 64bit
INTB-3262 InterBase XE7 Linux 64bits installer will add duplicate "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" configuration in /etc/profile

Sales Force 558139

Change View subscription may slow down backup performance
INTB-3287 Transaction Inventory Page cleanup could cause database corruption in extreme case
InterBase XE7 Update 6: May 2016, bugs fixed in version 12.0.6.
INTB-3058 [WISE installer] Installer does not respect provided INSTANCE/TCP_PORT values from properties file when /s option is not provided.
INTB-3044 IBConsole does not show proper value for "Page Buffers" in Database Properties form


IBConsole Trigger Editor returns error when doing CREATE or ALTER TRIGGER

Sales Force 501670

Change View Subscription causes columns in a group by to be null
INTB-2971 Database corruption during fast expansion of single table from multiple clients
INTB-2970 Deadlock at database header page when enabling database shadowing

Sales Force 454420

Back up fails when database contains a change view subscription
INTB-2879 Windows 10 update deletes Files in AppData Directory
InterBase XE7 Update 5: November 2015, bugs fixed in version 12.0.5.

Sales Force 426384

InterBase becomes unresponsive when many clients run repeated select statements against it.

Sales Force 444712

Incremental Backup cannot be opened or converted to read_write.

Sales Force 444712

Deadlock on RDB$PAGES when server is shutdown if database has a distinguished dump.

Sales Force 415479

Following a database crash, journal recovery is interrupted with error message "WAL writer error"
InterBase XE7 Update 4: July 2015, bugs fixed in version 12.0.4.
INTB-2505 SQL parser throws an exception if comments precede certain DDL commands.

Sales Force 427872

Query with Subquery and + performs 50 times slower in XE7 than XE3.
INTB-2493 InterBase XE7 crashes when trying to activate an incremental backup file.

Sales Force 427636

Some queries when run in XE7 are much slower than in XE3.
INTB-2460 'CREATE DATABASE' is always DIALECT 1 with IBConsole SQL Window in InterBase XE7.

Sales Force 418644

.cg_license.loc does not get deleted on Windows 2012.
InterBase XE7 Update 3: May-2015, Bugs Fixed in 12.0.3 Version.

Sales Force 425423

InterBase crashes in isc_database_info() via use of info item isc_info_read_seq_count on hundreds of tables.
INTB-2476 Performing repeated incremental backups with continuation files will eventually cause InterBase to hang.

Sales Force 425187

Index corruption reported at non-leaf level of non-unique index in ODS 16 database.

After installing this update, you can validate your existing XE7 related ODS 16 database with "gfix -v -f -no_update" to find if your database is affected by this corruption. If it is, you will want to either rebuild the specific corrupted index, or, backup and restore the whole database so all indexes are restored/created without any corruption with the new engine.


QC: 131317

Field Collation setting is not respected when comparing/sorting values with prepared parameters.
INTB-2468 Fetching from a subscribed Change View table followed by a ROLLBACK hangs the database engine.
INTB-2456 Make XE7 Change View SQL keywords unreserved.

Sales Force 423125

String concatenation operators puts unexpected padding spaces for variable length multi-byte charset CHAR fields.
INTB-2425 Android IBToGo cannot fetch data for record size larger than 32KB.
INTB-2421 IBConsole crashes instead of displaying error from an execute statement stored procedure.
INTB-2363 IBConsole SQL Window parsing problem with CREATE DATABASE with USER/PASSWORD.
InterBase XE7 Update 2: April-2015, Bugs Fixed in 12.0.2 Version.

QC: 130988

Multiple updates to the same record in a single transaction followed by a ROLLBACK does not restore original data.

During transaction isolation tests it was found that a second or third update to the same record were not saved during a rollback and the subsequent update data was abandoned.


Sales Force 417992

Querying TMP$Attachments when joined to another persistent table causes AST Deadlock errors.
INTB-2439 Parameterized query with placeholder question mark placed at LHS of IN clause returns error "Data type unknown".
INTB-2432 When Selected Client Only, vcredist_x64.exe and vcredist_x86.exe are not installed.
INTB-2283 It is not possible to an OSX application in an App Sandbox running IBLite/IBToGo.
INTB-2435 Error Status message for new statement contains erroneous text from previous Execute Statement call.
INTB-2426 Server crash when querying Performance Monitoring tables for database attachments that had Execute Statement exceptions inside Stored Procedure calls.
INTB-2428 Change View (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) with hundreds of subscriptions cause server crash or hang.

Sales Force: 417996

Erroneous call to an execute statement stored procedure causes memory leak.
INTB-2424 Cannot see deleted changes with subscription setup after pre-existing records.

Sales Force 413506

Bug in stored procedure causes server crash.
INTB-2404 When the disk containing journal files runs out of disk space, the active journal file cannot be accessed.
InterBase XE7 Update 1: March-2015, Bugs Fixed in 12.0.1 Version.
INTB-2402 Using deleted subscription name again cause some unexpected state.
INTB-2395 DROP DATABASE request through multi-hop claims "Invalid request handle".
INTB-2393 Infinite loop run by worker thread when executing CREATE INDEX statement against subscribed table.
INTB-2389 The example ibserverd file cannot be run on Linux.
INTB-2386 Request Synchronization error when executing commit with active subscription with subscriber against altered table subscription.
INTB-2381 Stored procedure that uses Execute Statement crashes InterBase when called multiple times.
Important: Starting with InterBase XE7 Update 1, there is a new requirement on FOR EXECUTE STATEMENT to match every item in the SELECT list with a corresponding item in the INTO list.
INTB-2375 Comparing indexed CHAR fields with INTL charset requires padding space also.
Sales Force: 408962,


InterBase XE7 ibguard.exe does not work on Windows XP/2003.
INTB-2357 Combining group by and casting empty string to CHAR makes crash the Linux server.
INTB-2312 Order by with subscription can report wrong type of change.
Sales Force: 400383


Error "cannot find tip page" during journal recovery.
INTB-1904 IBEvents not working properly with 64 bit Delphi Application.
InterBase XE7: November-2014, Bugs Fixed in 12.0.0 Version.
INTB-2273 Does not delete instance and port information in services file at uninstall.
INTB-2184 When opening "Local Server" node, IBConsole reports exception "Store RDB$FIELDS failed" with "Attempt to modify database from a read-only transaction".
INTB-2016 New IBConfig parameters from versions XE and XE3 not returned in isc_info_svc_get_config item to isc_service_query() API.
INTB-2005 SPB parameter isc_spb_instance_name is not consumed properly, if provided, for Service API calls.
QC: 120208


Slow query performance on XE3 as compared to 2007/2009 versions of InterBase.
InterBase XE3 Update 4 Hotfix 2: May-2014, Bugs Fixed in Version.
QC: 124104,


"Extract files only" fails when InterBase instance is disabled by instreg.
QC: 124527,


XE3 regression report of 2GB database file size limit on Linux.
INTB-2033 Reduced concurrency throughput of multiple simultaneous reads on same page.
INTB-2035 User SYSDBA cannot view metadata or database properties on non-SYSDBA owned database.
InterBase XE3 Update 4 Hotfix 2: May-2014, Bugs Fixed in Version.
INTB-2020 Performance degrades on some newer Windows 64-bit OS versions when accessing large files (size > available RAM) with sync/async database write mode(s).
INTB-2015 Forced sweep operation returns quickly without advancing OIT, and Perf.Mon. queries are stuck, when OIT <-> OAT gap is very large.
INTB-2003 IBConsole: Cannot type database path when adding local database.
InterBase XE3 Update 4: March-2014, Bugs Fixed in 11.0.4 Version.
Salesforce: 374757,


SELECT with oversized literal value in WHERE clause and ORDER BY index causes crash.

QC: 122621,


EXECUTE STATEMENT in stored procedure does not get NULL column value/state.

QC: 122818,


XE3 takes a long time (20 minutes) to run a query compared to the 2009 version (20 seconds).
Salesforce: 341687,


InterBase crashes on trying to select rows when another select query is prepared.
INTB-1965 Cannot upgrade a "Client Only" install using IBXE3 Update3 patch installer from IBXE3_Update.exe.

QC: 121770, INTB-1958

SQL Statement with multiple UNIONs crashes server when retrieving PLAN info.
INTB-1942 Performance degradation of multi-level procedure call in InterBase XE3 when compared to InterBase 2009.
INTB-1927 ib_util.dll and ib_util64.dll not included in InterBase ToGo "min" zip files for Windows. This is required for UDF library ib_udf.dll.
INTB-1926 [View Metadata] can't display as SYSDBA. Only a database owner can display it.

QC: 120208, INTB-1923

Slow query performance on XE3 as compared to 2007/2009 versions of InterBase.
INTB-1920 ISQL SET STATS ON output does not include fractional seconds.
INTB-1919 SET PLAN output not redirected to output file.

QC: 119341, INTB-1901

IBConsole uses SERVER login username/password when modifying the EUA database properties.
INTB-1897 IBConsole Performance Monitor truncates TMP$STATEMENTS.TMP$SQL to 1024 bytes in the Statements tab.
INTB-1895 IBConsole: Missing Encryption node when connected as SYSDSO user.
Salesforce: 341530,


Increased memory usage or possible memory leak reported when migrating VARCHAR data to BLOB via UPDATE statement.
INTB-1889 ODBC: Character sets detection in Embarcadero ODBC driver not working properly.

QC: 111486,


Character data is truncated in result set for SJIS_0208 column in Embarcadero ODBC driver.

QC: 111118,


IBConsole shows wrong data when selecting special hidden field RDB$DB_KEY.
INTB-1668 Cannot make local connections to an instance other than "gds_db".
INTB-1525 Creating an index after massive delete and insert operations results in corrupted database.

QC: 106371,


InterBase crashes updating metadata - database is totally corrupted.
INTB-977 Updated errors in Data Definition Guide.
InterBase XE3 Update 3: August-2013, Bugs Fixed in 11.0.3 Version.

QC: 116299,


Index is not updated if column is modified by trigger.
INTB-1871 IBConsole is unstable when working with InterBase ToGo.

QC: 116886,


ODBC driver does not handle meta data names larger than 31 characters.

QC: 116820,


Access Violation when inserting in a temp table, declared as ON COMMIT DELETE, using a stored procedure.
INTB-1858 isql with SET LIST ON displays garbage data for long field names.

QC: 109214,


Invalid table Alias use in UNION ALL statement returns no error.
INTB-1772 Pentaho related clash between ResultSetMetaData.getColumnLabel() and getColumnName().
INTB-1773 Invalid transaction reported by PreparedStatement.executeBatch().

QC: 111118,


IBConsole shows wrong data when selecting special hidden field RDB$DB_KEY.
INTB-1331 Occasional InterBase server hang when multiple clients are very heavily active.
InterBase XE3 Update 2: April-2013, Bugs Fixed in 11.0.2 Version.
INTB-1830 Unlimited user license does not allow more than 4 connections with version
INTB-1820 Maximum user count exceed error occurs when connecting to corrupted database.
INTB-1806 ISQL reports "deadlock" if EXIT is called without COMMIT/ROLLBACK on a global temporary table.
INTB-1784 Querying tmp$triggers against database with concurrent inserts and a journal causes server hang.
INTB-1778 GBAK journal archive recovery, when executed as an InterBase service, does not respect passed-in user credential option values.
INTB-1771 Multihop (two-hop) server connection using SSL in the middle-tier, causes memory leaks in the middle-tier server.
Salesforce: 305183,


Journal archives prematurely swept, causes archive recovery to fail.
INTB-1766 Aggregated Page I/O performance monitoring data missing for Tables, Procedures, and Triggers.
INTB-1753 OTW parameters meant to reach a middle-tier client in a multi-hop connection does not get there.

QC: 111447,


Server does not recognize or use DUMMY_PACKET_INTERVAL setting in ibconfig file.

QC: 110482,


Server crash when defining a COMPUTED BY field with CAST and CASE combination.
INTB-1710 Databases in external SEP condition cannot be backed up or restored using InterBase Services.

QC: 110553,


IBConsole gives a "cannot attach to service manager" on a lone multi-instance install.
INTB-1694 Server manager with startup mode of Automatic and not running as a service does not start the server.
INTB-1681 Files from security folder from XE not installed.
INTB-1630 Repeated Delete/Rollback results in corrupted database.
INTB-1395 Deadlock reported on Windows local connections (IPC) when using SELECT ...FOR UPDATE statement.
InterBase XE3 Update 1: October-2012, Bugs Fixed in 11.0.1 Version.
INTB-1693 Trying to encrypt a database with AES puts database in an unusable state if "strong encryption" is not licensed (as in Developer Edition).
INTB-1660 XE3 client library cannot connect locally via IPC to XE server.
INTB-1656 InterBase installer on Windows does not install examples database backup files (files are zero size).

QC: 108767,


ODBC Driver does not work with Microsoft Access 2007 when used against a UTF8 database.
INTB-1628 INSERT after massive DELETE causes Deadlock error.
INTB-1592 Error when trying to do an ORDER BY on a column that is the result of a coalesce expression.
INTB-1521 InterBase clients do not write interbase.log messages in the APPDATA_DIRECTORY folder.
INTB-1455 Corrupted admin.ib through OTW for constant connect/disconnect testing.
INTB-1336 Deadlock error after deleting and re-inserting large numbers of rows.
InterBase XE3: August-2012, Bugs Fixed in 11.0. Version.
INTB-1569 InterBase tools cannot use service name SERVICE_MGR in uppercase form; lowercase "service_mgr" works.
INTB-1566 Calling isc_dsql_batch_execute_immed with 128K+ batch data, causes server CPU loop.
INTB-1524 Database files accessed with different path names on Windows (for example admin.ib) produce server hang.

QC: 106427,


Database shutdown does not prevent non-SYSDBA users from connecting.
INTB-1464 SQL Optimizer makes an inaccurate estimate of table cardinality for large records.

QC: 7952,


Release the lock on a file used by an external file after drop table.
INTB-1459 iblockpr fails on Windows. If a .lck file exists, running iblockpr.exe on Windows always resulted in the error: "unable to access lock table - file too small".
Salesforce: 265124,


SQL Optimizer chooses a less optimal plan in XE as compared to InterBase 2007 when using multiple JOIN conditions.

QC: 106199,


JIRA Issue INTB-1407 has been resolved but Blob retrieval for large blobs was still a problem. This issue has now been resolved as well.

QC: 105905,


Incremental database dump fails to report error when target database is in use.

QC: 106199,


Get an error when inserting a binary file larger than 32kb to a BLOB field. When directly using InterClient classes, the application hangs until it is manually terminated. When using Hibernate on top of it, the interbase.interclient.CommunicationException appears.
INTB-1361 TCS: BUG_8189 causes request synchronization error when executing through IPC connections.

QC: 98872,


"IB server manager" option appears on the remote Windows server.