ActnRes.TStandardActions Fields

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ActionList1publishedStores the action list, containing standard actions, created by the Action List editor or by the Action Manager editor.
BrowseURL1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
ColorSelect1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
DownLoadURL1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
EditCopy1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
EditCut1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
EditDelete1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
EditPaste1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
EditSelectAll1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
EditUndo1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
FComponentStyleprotectedFComponentStyle is the field of the ComponentStyle read-only property.
FileExit1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
FileOpen1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
FileOpenWith1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
FilePageSetup1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
FilePrintSetup1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
FileRun1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
FileSaveAs1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
FontEdit1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
HelpContents1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
HelpContextAction1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
HelpOnHelp1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
HelpTopicSearch1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
ImageList1publishedStores the indexed collection of images used by standard actions stored in the ActionList1 action list created by the Action List editor or by the Action Manager editor.
ListControlClearSelection1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
ListControlCopySelection1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
ListControlDeleteSelection1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
ListControlMoveSelection1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
ListControlSelectAll1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
NextTab1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
OpenPicture1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
PreviousTab1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
PrintDlg1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
RichEditAlignCenter1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
RichEditAlignLeft1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
RichEditAlignRight1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
RichEditBold1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
RichEditBullets1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
RichEditItalic1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
RichEditStrikeOut1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
RichEditUnderline1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
SavePicture1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
SearchFind1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
SearchFindFirst1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
SearchFindNext1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
SearchReplace1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
SendMail1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
WindowArrange1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
WindowCascade1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
WindowClose1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
WindowMinimizeAll1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
WindowTileHorizontal1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.
WindowTileVertical1publishedStores an instance of a standard action used by the Action Manager editor.