Data.DBXMetaDataReader.TDBXBaseMetaDataReader Methods

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AfterConstructionpublicResponds after the last constructor has executed.
AreCatalogFunctionsSupportedprotectedGetter method for the CatalogFunctionsSupported property.
BeforeDestructionpublicResponds before the first destructor executes.
CheckDisposedprotectedThis method is deprecated.
ClassInfopublicReturns a pointer to the run-time type information (RTTI) table for the object type.
ClassNamepublicReturns a string indicating the type of the object instance (as opposed to the type of the variable passed as an argument).
ClassNameIspublicDetermines whether an object is of a specific type.
ClassParentpublicReturns the type of the immediate ancestor of a class.
ClassTypepublicReturns the class reference for the object's class.
CleanupInstancepublicPerforms finalization on long strings, variants, and interface variables within a class.
CompareVersionpublicCompares OtherVersion with the version of the database.
DefaultHandlerpublicProvides the interface for a method that processes message records.
DispatchpublicCalls message-handling methods for the object, based on the contents of the Message parameter.
DisposeOfpublicDisposeOf forces the execution of the destructor code in an object.
EqualspublicChecks whether the current instance and the Obj parameter are equal.
FetchCatalogspublicFetches information about the database's catalogs.
FetchCollectionpublicReturns a TDBXTable that contains information specified by MetaDataCommand.
FetchCollectionWithStoragepublicReturns a TDBXTable that contains information (specified by MetaDataCommand) that allocates physical memory for the table.
FetchColumnConstraintspublicFetches information about database column constraints.
FetchColumnspublicFetches the table columns of the database.
FetchDataTypespublicFetches information about the data types supported by the database.
FetchForeignKeyColumnspublicFetches information about the foreign key columns of the database.
FetchForeignKeyspublicFetches information about foreign keys of the database.
FetchIndexColumnspublicFetches information about index columns of the database.
FetchIndexespublicFetches information about the table indexes of the database.
FetchPackageProcedureParameterspublicFetches information about the package procedure parameters of the database.
FetchPackageProcedurespublicFetches information about the package procedures of the database.
FetchPackagespublicFetches information about the packages of the database.
FetchPackageSourcespublicFetches information about the package source code of the database.
FetchProcedureParameterspublicFetches information about the procedure parameters of the database.
FetchProcedurespublicFetches information about the procedures of the database.
FetchProcedureSourcespublicFetches information about the procedure source code of the database.
FetchReservedWordspublicFetches information about the reserved words of the database.
FetchRolespublicFetches information about the roles in the database.
FetchSchemaspublicFetches information about the schemas of the database.
FetchSynonymspublicFetches information about the synonyms of the database.
FetchTablespublicFetches information about the tables of the database.
FetchUserspublicFetches information about the users of the database.
FetchViewspublicFetches information about the views of the database.
FieldAddresspublicReturns the address of a published object field.
FreepublicDestroys an object and frees its associated memory, if necessary.
FreeInstancepublicDeallocates memory allocated by a previous call to the NewInstance method.
GetContextprotectedGetter method for the Context property.
GetDataTypeDescriptionsprotectedGetter method for the DataTypeDescriptions property.
GetDataTypeHashprotectedGetter method for the DataTypeHash property.
GetDataTypesprotectedGetter method for the DataTypes property.
GetDisposedprotectedGetter for the Disposed property.
GetHashCodepublicReturns an integer containing the hash code.
GetInterfacepublicRetrieves a specified interface.
GetInterfaceEntrypublicReturns the entry for a specific interface implemented in a class.
GetInterfaceTablepublicReturns a pointer to a structure containing all of the interfaces implemented by a given class.
GetProductNameprotectedGetter method for the ProductName property.
GetReservedWordsprotectedGetter method for the ReservedWords property.
GetSqlDefaultParameterMarkerprotectedGetter method for the SqlDefaultParameterMarker property.
GetSqlForCatalogsprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting catalogs as a string.
GetSqlForColumnConstraintsprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting column constraints as a string.
GetSqlForColumnsprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database columns as a string.
GetSqlForDataTypesprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database data types as a string.
GetSqlForForeignKeyColumnsprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database foreign key columns as a string.
GetSqlForForeignKeysprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database foreign keys as a string.
GetSqlForIndexColumnsprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database index columns as a string.
GetSqlForIndexesprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database indexes as a string.
GetSqlForPackageProcedureParametersprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database package procedure parameters as a string.
GetSqlForPackageProceduresprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database package procedures as a string.
GetSqlForPackagesprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database packages as a string.
GetSqlForPackageSourcesprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database package source code as a string.
GetSqlForProcedureParametersprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database procedure parameters as a string.
GetSqlForProceduresprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database procedures as a string.
GetSqlForProcedureSourcesprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database procedure source code as a string.
GetSqlForReservedWordsprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database reserved words as a string.
GetSqlForRolesprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database roles as a string.
GetSqlForSchemasprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database schemas as a string.
GetSqlForSynonymsprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database synonyms as a string.
GetSqlForTablesprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database tables as a string.
GetSqlForUsersprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database users as a string.
GetSqlForViewsprotectedGets the database-specific SQL statement for selecting the database views as a string.
GetSqlIdentifierQuoteCharprotectedGetter method for the SqlIdentifierQuoteChar property.
GetSqlIdentifierQuotePrefixprotectedGetter method for the SqlIdentifierQuotePrefix property.
GetSqlIdentifierQuoteSuffixprotectedGetter method for the SqlIdentifierQuoteSuffix property.
GetSqlProcedureQuoteCharprotectedGetter method for the SqlProcedureQuoteChar property.
GetSynonymTypeprotectedGetter method for the SynonymType property.
GetSystemTableTypeprotectedGetter method for the SystemTableType property.
GetSystemViewTypeprotectedGetter method for the SystemViewType property.
GetTableTypeprotectedGetter method for the TableType property.
GetVersionprotectedGetter method for the Version property.
GetViewTypeprotectedGetter method for the ViewType property.
InheritsFrompublicDetermines the relationship of two object types.
InitInstancepublicInitializes a newly allocated object instance to all zeros and initializes the instance's virtual method table pointer.
InstanceSizepublicReturns the size in bytes of each instance of the object type.
IsDescendingIndexColumnsSupportedprotectedIndicates whether descending-index columns are supported by the database.
IsDescendingIndexSupportedprotectedIndicates whether descending indexing is supported by the database.
IsLowerCaseIdentifiersSupportedprotectedGetter method for the LowerCaseIdentifiersSupported property.
IsMultipleCommandsSupportedprotectedGetter method for the MultipleCommandsSupported property.
IsNestedTransactionsSupportedprotectedGetter method for the NestedTransactionsSupported property.
IsParameterMetadataSupportedprotectedGetter method for the ParameterMetadataSupported property.
IsQuotedIdentifiersSupportedprotectedGetter method for the QuotedIdentifiersSupported property.
IsSetRowSizeSupportedprotectedGetter method for the SetRowSizeSupported property.
IsSPReturnCodeSupportedprotectedGetter method for the SPReturnCodeSupported property.
IsTransactionsSupportedprotectedGetter method for the TransactionsSupported property.
IsUpperCaseIdentifiersSupportedprotectedGetter method for the UpperCaseIdentifiersSupported property.
MakeStoragepublicAllocates physical memory to a table.
MakeTableTypeStringprotectedGets a string depending on the value of InTableTypeCode.
MethodAddresspublicReturns the address of a class method by name.
MethodNamepublicReturns the name of a class method by address.
NewInstancepublicAllocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance.
PopulateDataTypesprotectedPopulates an array with data types described by a TDBXDataTypeDescriptionArray.
QualifiedClassNamepublicReturns the qualified name of the class.
SafeCallExceptionpublicHandles exceptions in methods declared using the safecall calling convention.
SetContextprotectedSetter method for the Context property.
SetVersionprotectedSetter method for the Version property.
ToStringpublicReturns a string containing the class name.
UnitNamepublicReturns the name of the unit where the class is defined.
UnitScopepublicReturns the class's unit scope.