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procedure DoBeforeExecute(const CommandText: OleStr; var Params,
OwnerData: OleVariant); override;


virtual void __fastcall DoBeforeExecute(const System::WideString CommandText, System::OleVariant &Params, System::OleVariant &OwnerData);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
Datasnap.Provider TDataSetProvider


Generates a BeforeExecute event.

Datasnap.Provider.TDataSetProvider.DoBeforeExecute inherits from Datasnap.Provider.TCustomProvider.DoBeforeExecute. All content below this line refers to Datasnap.Provider.TCustomProvider.DoBeforeExecute.

Generates a BeforeExecute event.

The Execute method calls DoBeforeExecute to generate the BeforeExecute event before it executes CommandText or executes an associated query or stored procedure.

CommandText specifies an optional SQL statement that replaces the SQL of an associated query, or the name of a stored procedure that replaces the associated stored procedure. This parameter is ignored if the Options property does not include poAllowCommandText.

Params contains any parameter values that should be applied to CommandText or to the query or stored procedure before execution.

OwnerData supplies custom information to the BeforeExecute event handler. The event handler can change this value. The returned value is then passed to an AfterExecute event handler and then returned to the caller of the Execute method.

As implemented in TCustomProvider, CommandText and Params are ignored. Descendant classes apply these values before generating the BeforeExecute event.

See Also