FMX.InAppPurchase.TProduct Properties

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DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
DownloadablepublicSpecifies whether the product provides downloadable content (True) or not (False).
DownloadContentLengthspublicArray of sizes of the downloadable files of the product.
DownloadContentVersionpublicVersion of the downloadable content of the product that is available for download.
LocalizedDescriptionpublicDescription of the product in the language of your application.
LocalizedPricepublicDisplays the price version of your application.
LocalizedTitlepublicTitle of the product in the language of your application.
PricepublicCost of the product in the currency of the current device.
ProductIDpublicID that uniquely identifies a product from an in-app payment service.