FMX.ListView.Appearances.TCustomTextObjectAppearance Properties

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ActualHeightpublicGets the actual height of the Appearance Object. The returned value depends on its visibility.
ActualPlaceOffsetpublicActual placement offset of the object appearance as pixels in X and Y, which is the user-defined placement offset if it is a non-zero value, or the fallback placement offset otherwise.
ActualWidthpublicGets actual width of the Appearance Object. The returned value depends on its visibility
AlignpublicHorizontal alignment of Appearance Object inside its designated area.
DataMemberspublicArray of key-value pairs where keys are unique identifiers of data members that this object appearance exposes to LiveBindings, and values are the corresponding LiveBindings expression to access those data members.
DefaultValuespublicInstance of object appearance that contains the default values for the current instance of object appearance.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
FontpublicFont of this text appearance.
HeightpublicUser-defined height of the object appearance in pixels.
HeightWhenVisiblepublicHeight in pixels that the object appearance has when it is visible, which is the user-defined height if it is a non-zero value, or the fallback height otherwise.
InternalHeightpublicFallback height of the object appearance in pixels, used when FMX.ListView.Appearances.TCommonObjectAppearance.Height is 0.
InternalPlaceOffsetpublicFallback placement offset of the object appearance as pixels in X and Y. InternalPlaceOffset.X is used when PlaceOffset.X is 0, InternalPlaceOffset.Y is used when PlaceOffset.Y is 0.
InternalWidthpublicFallback width of the object appearance in pixels, used when Width is 0.
IsDetailTextpublicDetermines whether this text appearance represents regular text (False) or detail text (True).
NamepublicName that uniquely identifies this object appearance among the object appearances of its owner.
OpacitypublicOpacity of the object appearance. It may have a value between 1.0 (opaque) and 0.0 (transparent).
OwnerpublicOwner of this object appearance that aggregates several object appearances.
PlaceOffsetpublicUser-defined placement offset of the object appearance as pixels in X and Y.
SizeWhenVisiblepublicSize, as width (X) and height (Y) in pixels, that the object appearance has when it is visible, which is the user-defined size if it is a non-zero value, or the rendered size otherwise.
TextAlignpublicHorizontal alignment of the text of this text appearance.
TextColorpublicColor this text appearance.
TextVertAlignpublicVertical alignment of this text appearance.
TrimmingpublicTrimming mode of this text appearance.
VertAlignpublicVertical alignment of Appearance Object inside its designated area.
VisiblepublicDetermines whether this object appearance is visible (True) or not (False).
WidthpublicUser-defined width of the object appearance in pixels.
WidthWhenVisiblepublicWidth in pixels that the object appearance has when it is visible, which is the user-defined width if it is a non-zero value, or the fallback width otherwise.
WordWrappublicDetermines whether this text appearance uses word wrapping (True) or not (False).