System.Bluetooth.TBluetoothGattDescriptor Properties

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BroadcastspublicWhether the remote server is configured to include in its advertising data the value of the characteristic that provides this descriptor (True) or not (False).
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
ExponentpublicExponent that you must apply to the value of the characteristic that provides the descriptor to obtain the actual value of the characteristic.
FormatpublicFormat of the value of the characteristic that provides the descriptor.
FormatUnitpublicUUID of the measurement unit of the value of the characteristic that provides the descriptor.
IndicationpublicWhether the remote server is configured to send updates of the characteristic value as the value changes, and wait for your client to confirm that the new value was successfully received (True); or not (False).
KindpublicReturns the GATT characteristic descriptor that matches with an UUID.
NotificationpublicWhether the remote server is configured to send updates of the characteristic value as the value changes (True) or not (False).
ReliableWritepublicWhether the characteristic that provides the descriptor supports reliable write operations (True) or not (False).
UserDescriptionpublicDescription of the characteristic that provides the descriptor.
UUIDpublicReturns the UUID of this descriptor. The UUID is the type TBluetoothUUID.
UUIDNamepublicReturns a string with the UUIDName of this TBluetoothGattDescriptor.
ValuepublicReturns the stored value or defines a new value for this TBluetoothGattDescriptor.
WritableAuxiliariespublicWhether you can edit the textual description of the characteristic (True) or not (False).