System.Currency Methods

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CreatepublicCreates an instance of a Currency object.
operator !publicReturns a new Currency object that is the logical negation of this Currency object.
operator !=publicTests for inequality between the Currency object’s value and a specified value.
operator %publicReturns a new Currency object with the value that is the remainder of this Currency object, divided by a specified integer.
operator %=publicAssigns this Currency object the remainder of its initial value divided by integer rhs.
operator ()publicConverts the Currency object.
operator *publicMultiplies the value of the Currency object by a specified value.
operator *=publicAssigns this Currency object the result of its initial value multiplied by the value of the Currency object rhs.
operator +publicAdds a specified value to the Currency object.
operator ++publicIncrements the value of the Currency object by a specified integer value.
operator +=publicIncrements the value of this Currency object by the value of rhs.
operator -publicSubtracts a specified value from the Currency object.
operator --publicDecrements the value of the Currency object by a specified integer value.
operator -=publicDecrements the value of this Currency object by the value of rhs.
operator /publicDivides the value of the Currency object by a specified value.
operator /=publicAssigns this Currency object the result of its initial value divided by the value of the Currency object rhs.
operator <publicTests whether this Currency value is less than a specified value.
operator <=publicTests whether this Currency value is less than or equal to a specified value.
operator =publicAssigns the value of the Currency object.
operator ==publicTests for equality between the Currency object's value and a specified value.
operator >publicTests whether this Currency value is greater than a specified value.
operator >=publicTests whether this Currency value is greater than or equal to a specified value.