System.Hash.THashBobJenkins Methods

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CreatepublicCreates an instance of THashBobJenkins.
GetHashBytespublicCreates a hash digest from the provided String and returns the value of the created digest as bytes.
GetHashStringpublicCreates a hash digest from the provided String and returns the value of the created digest as a hexadecimal String.
GetHashValuepublicCreates a hash digest from the provided data and returns the value of the created digest as an Integer.
HashAsBytespublicReturns the hash value of this instance of THashBobJenkins as bytes.
HashAsIntegerpublicReturns the hash value of this instance of THashBobJenkins as an integer.
HashAsStringpublicReturns the hash value of this instance of THashBobJenkins as a hexadecimal String.
ResetpublicResets the state of this instance of THashBobJenkins.
UpdatepublicUpdates the hash value of this instance of THashBobJenkins with the provided data.