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function GetValue(const Index: Integer): TJSONValue; overload; inline;


HIDESBASE TJSONValue* __fastcall GetValue(const int Index)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
System.JSON TJSONArray


Finds a TJSONValue object located at the specified APath JSON path, casts this JSON value as the T JSON type and returns this value. Otherwise, returns ADefaultValue.

System.JSON.TJSONArray.GetValue inherits from System.JSON.TJSONValue.GetValue. All content below this line refers to System.JSON.TJSONValue.GetValue.

Finds a TJSONValue object located at the specified APath JSON path, casts this JSON value as the T JSON type and returns this value. Otherwise, returns ADefaultValue.

If GetValue unable to find a TJSONValue object located at the specified APath JSON path and GetValue does not specify a ADefaultValue parameter, then GetValue raises an EJSONException exception.

In the current version, TJSONValue implements the following functionality:

  • If the specified APath is empty, GetValue casts this TJSONValue instance as the T type and returns the obtained value.
  • If the APath is specified and it is not empty and the GetValue version has the default ADefaultValue parameter, then GetValue returns the specified ADefaultValue value.
  • If the specified APath is not empty and the GetValue version does not have the default ADefaultValue parameter, GetValue raises an EJSONException exception, printing
    Value '<JSON path>' not found .

See Also