Vcl.DBGrids.TColumn Properties

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AlignmentpublishedSpecifies how text is aligned within the column.
AssignedValuespublicIndicates which TColumn and TColumnTitle properties have been set.
ButtonStylepublishedDetermines whether and how the user can select values for the column from a list.
CollectionpublicSpecifies the TCollection instance to which the TCollectionItem belongs.
ColorpublishedSpecifies the background color for the column.
DisplayNamepublicThe name displayed in the Collection editor.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
DropDownRowspublishedSpecifies the number of lines displayed in the column's drop-down list.
ExpandablepublicSpecifies whether the column can be expanded to show any child field columns.
ExpandedpublishedSpecifies whether the column is expanded.
FieldpublicIndicates the TField instance represented by the column.
FieldNamepublishedIndicates the name of the field represented by the column.
FontpublishedControls the font in which the column displays its data.
GridpublicIndicates the grid that contains the column.
IDpublicA unique, permanent index for the item.
ImeModepublishedDetermines the behavior of the input method editor (IME) when the column is edited.
ImeNamepublishedSpecifies the input method editor (IME) to use for converting keyboard input to Asian language characters.
IndexpublicReturns the item's position in the Items array of TCollection.
ParentColumnpublicRefers to the TColumn object that owns the column.
PickListpublishedLists values that the user can select for the column.
PopupMenupublishedIdentifies the pop-up menu associated with the column.
ReadOnlypublishedDetermines whether data displayed in the column is editable.
ShowingpublicIndicates whether the column is showing.
TitlepublishedIndicates the TColumn Title that represents the column's title.
VisiblepublishedSpecifies whether the column is visible in the grid.
WidthpublishedThe width of the column.