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property ExpandedPressedImageIndex: TImageIndex read FExpandedPressedImageIndex write SetExpandedPressedImageIndex default -1;


__property ExpandedPressedImageIndex = {default=-1};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Vcl.ExtCtrls TCategoryPanel


Determines which image is displayed as the chevron when the category panel is collapsed and the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse hovers over the header.

Vcl.ExtCtrls.TCategoryPanel.ExpandedPressedImageIndex inherits from Vcl.ExtCtrls.TCustomCategoryPanel.ExpandedPressedImageIndex. All content below this line refers to Vcl.ExtCtrls.TCustomCategoryPanel.ExpandedPressedImageIndex.

Determines which image is displayed as the chevron when the category panel is collapsed and the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse hovers over the header.

Set CollapsedPressedImageIndex to associate the chevron with one of the images in the Images property of the parent CateogryPanelGroup. The selected image will be displayed when the category panel is in the collapsed state and the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse hovers over the header.

This property has no effect if the HeaderStyle property of the parent panel group is set to hsThemed.

See Also