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property PixelsPerInch: Integer read GetPixelsPerInch write SetPixelsPerInch stored False;


__property PixelsPerInch;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Vcl.Forms TCustomDockForm


Represents the proportion of the font on the system on which the form was designed.

Vcl.Forms.TCustomDockForm.PixelsPerInch inherits from Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.PixelsPerInch. All content below this line refers to Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.PixelsPerInch.

Represents the proportion of the font on the system on which the form was designed.

Use PixelsPerInch at runtime to change how the form is scaled to the current screen resolution. If PixelsPerInch is changed from its default value, the form will not have the same proportion on every screen resolution.

At design time, PixelsPerInch is set automatically when the form is saved. Changes to PixelsPerInch made in the Object Inspector only affect the form at runtime.

The form's Scaled property must be true for PixelsPerInch to have an effect.

See Also