Vcl.Forms.TTitleBar Properties

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BackgroundColorpublishedIt gets or sets the color of the title bar background. Set the SystemColors property to False to customize the title bar colors.
ButtonBackgroundColorpublishedIt gets or sets the background color of the title bar buttons. Set the SystemColors property to False to customize the title bar colors.
ButtonForegroundColorpublishedIt gets or sets the foreground color of the title bar buttons. Set the SystemColors property to False to customize the title bar colors.
ButtonHoverBackgroundColorpublishedIt gets or sets the background color of the title bar buttons when are hovered. Set the SystemColors property to False to customize the title bar colors.
ButtonHoverForegroundColorpublishedIt gets or sets the foreground color of the title bar buttons when are hovered. Set the SystemColors property to False to customize the title bar colors.
ButtonInactiveBackgroundColorpublishedIt gets or sets the color of the title bar buttons background when the owner form is inactive. Set the SystemColors property to False to customize the title bar colors.
ButtonInactiveForegroundColorpublishedIt gets or sets the color of the title bar buttons foreground when the owner form is inactive. Set the SystemColors property to False to customize the title bar colors.
ButtonPressedBackgroundColorpublishedIt gets or sets the background color of the title bar buttons when are pressed. Set the SystemColors property to False to customize the title bar colors.
ButtonPressedForegroundColorpublishedIt gets or sets the foreground color of the title bar buttons when are pressed. Set the SystemColors property to False to customize the title bar colors.
CaptionAlignmentpublishedIt sets the caption alignment.
CaptionButtonsRectpublicIt retrieves the bounds of the caption button area in the owner form.
ClientRectpublicIt retrieves the bounds of the titlebar.
ControlpublishedIt assigns the TCustomTitleBarPanel descendent to handle the title bar drawing.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
EnabledpublishedIt allows the enable/disable customization of the title area.
ForegroundColorpublishedIt gets or sets the color of the title bar foreground. Set the SystemColors property to False to customize the title bar colors.
FrameRectpublicIt retrieves the bounds of the window returned by the AdjustWindowRectEx.
HeightpublishedIt retrieves the height of the title bar. Set the SystemHeight property to False to customize the title bar height.
IconRectpublicIt retrieves the bounds of the icon in the owner form.
InactiveBackgroundColorpublishedIt gets or sets the color of the title bar background when the owner form is inactive. Set the SystemColors property to False to customize the title bar colors.
InactiveForegroundColorpublishedIt gets or sets the color of the title bar foreground when the owner form is inactive. Set the SystemColors property to False to customize the title bar colors.
ShowCaptionpublishedIt shows/hides the icon in the title bar.
ShowIconpublishedIt shows/hides the icon in the title bar.
SystemButtonspublishedIt specifies if title bar should use the system caption buttons. Set the SystemButtons to False to set custom colors for the title bar buttons.
SystemColorspublishedIt specifies if title bar should use the system default colors. Set the SystemColors to False to customize the title bar colors.
SystemHeightpublishedIt specifies if title bar should use the system default height. Set the SystemHeight property to False to customize the title bar height.