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function SelectCell(ACol, ARow: Longint): Boolean; override;


virtual bool __fastcall SelectCell(int ACol, int ARow);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
Vcl.Samples.Calendar TCalendar


Determines whether a particular cell in the grid can be selected.

Vcl.Samples.Calendar.TCalendar.SelectCell inherits from Vcl.Grids.TCustomGrid.SelectCell. All content below this line refers to Vcl.Grids.TCustomGrid.SelectCell.

Determines whether a particular cell in the grid can be selected.

Grid controls call SelectCell internally before attempting to move selection to a the cell identified by the ACol and ARow parameters. ACol and ARow are the column and row indexes for the cell, where the first column has index 0, and the top row has index 0.

The SelectCell method for TCustomGrid always returns true, allowing the cell to be selected. Descendants of TCustomGrid override this method to check the properties of the information displayed in the cell or to generate an event, such as Vcl.Grids.TCustomDrawGrid.OnSelectCell.

See Also