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property Columns;


__property Columns;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Web.DBWeb TDataSetTableProducer


Describes the field bindings and display attributes of the columns in the HTML table.

Web.DBWeb.TDataSetTableProducer.Columns inherits from Web.DBWeb.TDSTableProducer.Columns. All content below this line refers to Web.DBWeb.TDSTableProducer.Columns.

Describes the field bindings and display attributes of the columns in the HTML table. Use Columns to read or set the field bindings and display attributes of the columns in the HTML table. Each THTMLTableColumn object specifies the display attributes of the corresponding column. Each column object also specifies the name of the field the column represents. The field binding of a column designates a field within the dataset specified by the DataSet property.

Columns can be set at design time through a property editor, or programmatically at run time.

See Also