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property Prepared: Boolean read FPrepared write SetPrepare;


__property bool Prepared = {read=FPrepared, write=SetPrepare, nodefault};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property public
Bde.DBTables TStoredProc


Determines whether or not a stored procedure is prepared for execution.

Examine Prepared to determine if a stored procedure is already prepared for execution. If Prepared is true, the stored procedure is prepared, and if Prepared is false, the procedure is not prepared. A stored procedure must be prepared before it can be executed.

Note: The library automatically prepares a stored procedure if it is unprepared when the application calls ExecProc and unprepares it afterwards. If a procedure will be executed a number of times, it is more efficient for the application to prepare the stored procedure once, and unprepare it when it is no longer needed.

An application can change the current setting of Prepared to prepare or unprepare a stored procedure. If Prepared is true, setting it to false calls the UnPrepare method to unprepare the stored procedure. If Prepared is false, setting it to true calls the Prepare method to prepare the procedure. Generally, however, it is better programming practice to call Prepare and UnPrepare directly. These methods automatically update the Prepared property.

See Also