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function DeleteBlob(const ContainerName: String; const BlobName: String; const Snapshot: String = '';
const LeaseId: String = ''; const DeleteSnapshots: String = ''): boolean;


bool __fastcall DeleteBlob(const System::UnicodeString ContainerName, const System::UnicodeString BlobName, const System::UnicodeString Snapshot = System::UnicodeString(), const System::UnicodeString LeaseId = System::UnicodeString(), const System::UnicodeString DeleteSnapshots = System::UnicodeString());


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
DSAzure TAzureBlobService


Deletes a specific blob or snapshot.

DeleteBlob deletes the blob with the given name inside the specified container, or deletes one or all the snapshots of that blob, depending on the values of Snapshot and DeleteSnapshots.

If Snapshot is specified, then that snapshot will be deleted.

Otherwise, if the blob has one or more snapshots, then DeleteSnapshots needs to be specified. The values allowed for this operation are include and only.

Specifying include will delete the blob and all of the snapshots.

Specifying only will delete only the blob snapshots, and not the blob itself.

See Also