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function QueryEntities(const TableName: String; const FilterExpression: String = ''): String; overload;
function QueryEntities(const TableName: String; const PartitionKey: String; const RowKey: String): String; overload;


System::UnicodeString __fastcall QueryEntities(const System::UnicodeString TableName, const System::UnicodeString FilterExpression = System::UnicodeString())/* overload */;
System::UnicodeString __fastcall QueryEntities(const System::UnicodeString TableName, const System::UnicodeString PartitionKey, const System::UnicodeString RowKey)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
DSAzure TAzureTableService


Returns rows of data from the specified table.

QueryEntities returns rows of data from the table with the specified name. If FilterExpression is specified, then it is used as a filter on the rows that get returned.

For more details on the formatting of the filter expression, refer to the MSDN documentation in the See Also section.

If you choose instead to specify the PartitionKey and RowKey, then population will be done matching on those values.

See Also