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property OnRecordsetChangeComplete: TRecordsetErrorEvent read FOnRecordsetChangeComplete write FOnRecordsetChangeComplete;


__property TRecordsetErrorEvent OnRecordsetChangeComplete = {read=FOnRecordsetChangeComplete, write=FOnRecordsetChangeComplete};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
event published
Data.Win.ADODB TCustomADODataSet


Occurs after the recordset has changed.

Write an OnRecordsetChangeComplete event handler to take specific action after the dataset component's Recordset object has changed.

DataSet is the ADO dataset component that triggered the OnRecordsetChangeComplete event. This dataset component also contains the recordset in question.

Reason indicates the type of change that triggered the event. While the TEventReason type contains more constants, the value of Reason for an OnRecordsetChangeComplete event is limited to: erAddNew, erDelete, erUpdate, erUndoUpdate, erUndoAddNew, erUndoDelete, and erFirstChange.

Error is an ADO Error object. See the Microsoft Data Access SDK for more information on using ADO Error objects. The Error parameter is only set if an error occurred during execution of the operation that triggered the event. In this case, the EventStatus parameter will contain the value esErrorsOccured.

The EventStatus value (ADO EventStatusEnum) indicates the success or failure of the execution of the operation that triggered the event. EventStatus will be esOK if the operation that triggered the event executed without error, esErrorsOccured if error occurred during execution of that operation, or esCancel if the operation was canceled.

Note:  : The OnRecordsetChangeComplete event is purely a Recordset object event and independent of any VCL data change events.

See Also