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property ServerData: OleVariant read GetServerData write SetServerData;


__property System::OleVariant ServerData = {read=GetServerData, write=SetServerData};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property public
Datasnap.Win.ObjBrkr TSimpleObjectBroker


Encapsulates the list of servers as an OleVariant.

Reading ServerData returns the value of the Servers property stored in the internal component format. Writing ServerData sets the value of the Servers property from an OleVariant that was saved previously.

Use the ServerData property to provide a mechanism for loading and saving the list of servers represented by the Servers property. For example, An application can write the value of ServerData to an .ini file or the system registry. Later, it can read the value it saved as an OleVariant, and set ServerData to restore the Servers property to the value that was saved.

Note: The implementation of ServerData uses the SaveToStream method to encode the Servers property as an OleVariant and the LoadFromStream method to decode that OleVariant and restore the Servers property.

See Also