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class function Create(const StartPos, FragmentLength: Integer;
const PairedWithPrev, Typed: Boolean): TFragmentInserted; static; inline;


static TFragmentInserted __fastcall Create(const int StartPos, const int FragmentLength, const bool PairedWithPrev, const bool Typed);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
FMX.Memo.Types TFragmentInserted


Creates a new instance of TFragmentInserted.

The Create method takes the following parameters.

Parameter Description
StartPos Position in the text where the fragment of text was inserted. On TFragmentInserted creation, the value of StartPos is assigned to the StartPos field.
FragmentLength Length of the text that was inserted. On the TFragmentInserted creation, the value of FragmentLength is assigned to the FragmentLength field.
PairedWithPrev Indicates if a change was made right after and in a similar way as the previous one. On the TFragmentInserted creation, the value of PairedWithPrev is assigned to the PairedWithPrev field.
Typed Indicates if the text was inserted typing the keyboard. On the TFragmentInserted creation, the value of Typed is assigned to the Typed field.

See Also