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function DialogSaveFiles(const ADialog: TOpenDialog; var AFiles: TStrings): Boolean;


virtual bool __fastcall DialogSaveFiles(Fmx::Dialogs::TOpenDialog* const ADialog, System::Classes::TStrings* &AFiles) = 0 ;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
FMX.Platform IFMXDialogService


In descendants, DialogSaveFiles implements functionality to display and execute a save files dialog box.

DialogSaveFiles accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Meaning
FileName Contains the filename from the save files dialog box.
AInitDir Specifies the initial directory that the save dialog box will point to.
ADefaultExt Specifies the default file extension the save dialog box will use.
AFilter Specifies the files filter the save dialog box will use.
AFilterIndex Specifies the index of the filter in the filters list that the save dialog box will use upon show.
AFiles Contains the list of files selected to be opened by the save dialog box.
AOptions Specifies a set of options for the save dialog box.

DialogSaveFiles returns True if the save dialog box was executed correctly, False otherwise.

See Also