FMX.Types.IDesignablePersistent Methods

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AddRefpublicIncrements the reference count for this interface.
BeingDesignedpublicFMX.Types.IDesignablePersistent.BeingDesigned is true if this TPersistent is currently in Design mode and wants the Designer to create Item for itself.
BindpublicFMX.Types.IDesignablePersistent.Bind is used to bind this persistent with its shim, thus enabling GetBoundsRect without using the host. Example: TItemAppearanceProperties as IDesignablePersistent are bound to the TListItemShimTheir counterpart FmxReg.TListViewObjectsProperties are bound to the same TListItemShim.
GetBoundsRectpublicFMX.Types.IDesignablePersistent.GetBoundsRect is a bounding rectangle representing this TPersistent in the designer.
GetDesignParentpublicFMX.Types.IDesignablePersistent.GetDesignParent should return a TPersistent known to the designer, e.g. its parent TControl.
QueryInterfacepublicReturns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface.
ReleasepublicDecrements the reference count for this interface.
SupportspublicIndicates whether a given interface supports a specific (another) interface.
UnbindpublicFMX.Types.IDesignablePersistent.Unbind is used to unbind this persistent. The implementation would normally clear its reference to IPersistentShim.