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procedure QueryObjects(const AClassName: string; const AQuery: array of string; const AJSONArray: TJSONArray); overload;
procedure QueryObjects(const AClassName: string; const AQuery: array of string; const AJSONArray: TJSONArray; out AMetaArray: TArray<TBackendEntityValue>); overload;
procedure QueryObjects<T: class, constructor>(const AClassName: string; const AQuery: array of string; const AResultList: TBackendObjectList<T>); overload;


void __fastcall QueryObjects(const System::UnicodeString AClassName, const System::UnicodeString *AQuery, const int AQuery_High, System::Json::TJSONArray* const AJSONArray)/* overload */;
void __fastcall QueryObjects(const System::UnicodeString AClassName, const System::UnicodeString *AQuery, const int AQuery_High, System::Json::TJSONArray* const AJSONArray, /* out */ System::DynamicArray<Rest::Backend::Metatypes::TBackendEntityValue> &AMetaArray)/* overload */;
template<typename T> void __fastcall QueryObjects(const System::UnicodeString AClassName, const System::UnicodeString *AQuery, const int AQuery_High, TBackendObjectList__1<T>* const AResultList)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
REST.Backend.ServiceTypes TBackendStorageApi


Submits the specified query to the cloud service.

QueryObjects receives the following parameters:

  • AClassName is the name of the class of the objects to query.
  • AQuery is an array of string where each string must contain a single key-value pair with an equal sign (=) separating them. For example: key1=value1.
  • Any of the following parameters that QueryObjects fills with the query results:
    • AJSONArray provides the results in JSON format. You may optionally pass a value for the AMetaArray parameter that QueryObjects fills with metadata matching each result.
    • AResultList provides the results as instances of the specified T type.

See Also