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function GetResponseHeaderInfoForInterface(Info: PTypeInfo): THeaderItemArray;


THeaderItemArray __fastcall GetResponseHeaderInfoForInterface(System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo Info);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Soap.InvokeRegistry TInvokableClassRegistry


Retrieves an array of headers that are registered as associated with responses to invocations of an invokable interface.

Typically, applications do not need to call GetResponseHeaderInfoForInterface. This method is used internally by the WSDL publisher to generate the WSDL that describes the headers that are used in response messages that return the results of executing a method on an invokable interface.

Info is the runtime type information (RTTI) from a registered invokable interface. The interface must have been previously registered by a call to the RegisterInterface method.

GetResponseHeaderInfoForInterface returns an array of IntfHeaderItem values, each of which describes a header that was registered for response messages on the invokable interface by a call to the RegisterHeaderClass method.

See Also