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function  GetSoapBindingInputNode(const BindingName, Operation: DOMString;
OverloadIndex: Integer;
out ResultsWSDLItems: IWSDLItems): IXMLNode;


Xml::Xmlintf::_di_IXMLNode __fastcall GetSoapBindingInputNode(const System::UnicodeString BindingName, const System::UnicodeString Operation, int OverloadIndex, /* out */ _di_IWSDLItems &ResultsWSDLItems);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Soap.WSDLItems TWSDLItems


Returns the interface for the input node on a specified binding and operation.

Call GetSoapBindingInputNode to retrieve the node for input messages (parameters) on an operation of a SOAP binding. GetSoapBindingInputNode locates a binding with the specified name that includes a <soap:binding> tag, locates the specified operation node that is a child of that binding, and returns the input node for that operation.

BindingName is the name of the binding that includes the <soap:binding> tag. A binding describes the encoding and transport protocols for an associated port type.

Operation is the name of the operation of that <soap:binding> tag. Operations correspond to methods on an invokable interface.

OverloadIndex indicates which operation node is desired when the binding has multiple operations with the same name (overloaded methods). 0 indicates the first operation with the specified name, 1 indicates the second operation node, and so on.

If GetSoapBindingInputNode is unable to locate an input node for the specified binding and operation, it returns nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++).

See Also