Vcl.ComCtrls.TTextAttributes Properties

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BackColorpublicIndicates the background color of the text.
BoldpublicIndicates whether the text is Bold or not.
CharsetpublicSpecifies the character set of the font.
ColorpublicIndicates the foreground color of the text.
ConsistentAttributespublicIndicates which of the properties of the TTextAttributes object are consistent throughout the text of the current selection in the rich edit object.
DisabledpublicIndicates whether the text is Disabled.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
HeightpublicSpecifies the height of the font in pixels.
HiddenpublicIndicates whether the text is Hidden or not.
ItalicpublicSets the font style to use Italic text.
LinkpublicConverts the text into Link format.
NamepublicSpecifies the typeface of the font described by the TTextAttributes object.
OffsetpublicCharacter Offset, in twips, from the baseline for the text (positive for superscript, negative for subscript).
PitchpublicIndicates the font Pitch (default, variable, or fixed).
ProtectedpublicIndicates whether the text represented by the TTextAttributes object is protected.
RevAuthorpublicThe index that identifies the author making a revision.
SizepublicSpecifies the height of the font in points.
StrikeoutpublicIndicates whether the text is struck out or not.
StylepublicDetermines whether the font is normal, italic, underlined, bold, or strikeout.
SubscriptpublicIndicates whether the text is Subscript, superscript or normal.
Underlinepublic Indicates whether the text is Underlined or not.