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function GetHelpStrings(const ALink: string): TStringList;


virtual System::Classes::TStringList* __fastcall GetHelpStrings(const System::UnicodeString ALink) = 0 ;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Vcl.HtmlHelpViewer IHtmlHelpTester


Retrieves help strings that match the associative link name.

GetHelpStrings returns a list of help strings for topics that match the specified associative link ALink name. GetHelpStrings returns the help strings in the TStringList type object.

VCL does not provide an implementation of the IHtmlHelpTester interface. Therefore, if you need to use this function, you must implement IHtmlHelpTester in your application.

The Vcl.THtmlHelpViewer class, implemented in the implementation section of the Vcl.HtmlHelpViewer unit, uses GetHelpStrings in the Vcl.THtmlHelpViewer.GetHelpStrings function. Vcl.THtmlHelpViewer.GetHelpStrings implements the System.HelpIntfs.ICustomHelpViewer.GetHelpStrings function when you specify the Vcl.HtmlHelpViewer unit in the uses section of your program.

You should call the IHtmlHelpTester.CanShowALink function before GetHelpStrings.

See Also