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function GetStyleColor(Color: TStyleColor): TColor;


System::Uitypes::TColor __fastcall GetStyleColor(TStyleColor Color);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Vcl.Themes TCustomStyleServices


Returns the color defined in the style for the element specified by Color.

Use GetStyleColor to obtain the color defined for a certain control. For example, if Color is scButtonPressed, GetStyleColor returns the color assigned for the button when it is pressed.

The style colors give you access to the colors used for controls in the current style. There are two categories of style colors. The first category includes colors used for control parts that are rendered directly from an image. In this case, the style color offers you a way to access the color of that image and is purely informational. The second category includes the colors used for controls that are rendered from code at run time (Panel, ListBox, Grid, and so on).

See Also