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property Cells[ACol, ARow: Integer]: string read GetCell write SetCell;


__property System::UnicodeString Cells[int ACol][int ARow] = {read=GetCell, write=SetCell};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property public
Vcl.ValEdit TValueListEditor


Lists the strings for each cell in the editor.

Use Cells to access the string in a particular cell. ACol is the column coordinate of the cell, and ARow is the row coordinate of the cell. ACol can be 0 (for the name column) or 1 (for the value column). ARow can range from 0 (for the title row) to the number of strings in the associated TStrings descendant.

To access the strings in the name column, use the Keys property instead. To access the strings in the value column, use the Values property instead. To access the underlying string list, use the Strings property.

See Also