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property Margins: TBounds read GetMargins write SetMargins;


__property Margins;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
FMX.Layers3D TLayer3D


Specifies the 3D layer's margins.

FMX.Layers3D.TLayer3D.Margins inherits from FMX.Layers3D.TAbstractLayer3D.Margins. All content below this line refers to FMX.Layers3D.TAbstractLayer3D.Margins.

Specifies the 3D layer's margins.

The Margins of a 3D layer are the distances (in pixels) from each edge (top, left, bottom, right) to another control within the same Parent or to the edge of its Parent.

If a margin is not 0, no other control will come closer to the 3D layer than the specified distance. If the distance from a Parent edge to the corresponding control edge is smaller than the specified Margins for that edge, the control is repositioned and resized, if necessary, to maintain the specified distance.

See Also