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procedure DrawElement(Element: TSkinRibbon; Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Height: Integer); overload;
procedure DrawElement(Element: TSkinForm; Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Height: Integer); overload;
procedure DrawElement(Element: TSkinApplicationMenu; Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect); overload;
procedure DrawElement(Element: TSkinApplicationMenu; Canvas: TCanvas; const X, Y: Integer; const Opacity: Byte); overload;
procedure DrawElement(Element: TSkinTab; Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opacity: Byte = 255); overload;
procedure DrawElement(Element: TSkinRibbonGroup; Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect); overload;
procedure DrawElement(Element: TSkinMenu; Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect); overload;
procedure DrawElement(Element: TSkinButton; Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opacity: Byte = 255); overload;
procedure DrawElement(Element: TSkinComboBox; Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect); overload;
procedure DrawElement(Element: TSkinSpinEdit; Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect); overload;
procedure DrawElement(Element: TSkinGallery; Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect); overload;
procedure DrawElement(Element: TSkinQuickAccessToolbar; Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect); overload;
procedure DrawElement(Element: TSkinScrollBar; Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect); overload;
procedure DrawElement(Element: TSkinStatusBar; Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; const ADrawGripperSeparator: Boolean = False); overload;
procedure DrawElement(Element: TSkinCheckBox; Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect); overload;
procedure DrawElement(Element: TSkinRadioButton; Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect); overload;


void __fastcall DrawElement(TSkinRibbon Element, Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas* Canvas, const System::Types::TRect &Rect, int Height)/* overload */;
void __fastcall DrawElement(TSkinForm Element, Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas* Canvas, const System::Types::TRect &Rect, int Height)/* overload */;
void __fastcall DrawElement(TSkinApplicationMenu Element, Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas* Canvas, const System::Types::TRect &Rect)/* overload */;
void __fastcall DrawElement(TSkinApplicationMenu Element, Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas* Canvas, const int X, const int Y, const System::Byte Opacity)/* overload */;
void __fastcall DrawElement(TSkinTab Element, Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas* Canvas, const System::Types::TRect &Rect, System::Byte Opacity = (System::Byte)(0xff))/* overload */;
void __fastcall DrawElement(TSkinRibbonGroup Element, Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas* Canvas, const System::Types::TRect &Rect)/* overload */;
void __fastcall DrawElement(TSkinMenu Element, Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas* Canvas, const System::Types::TRect &Rect)/* overload */;
void __fastcall DrawElement(TSkinButton Element, Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas* Canvas, const System::Types::TRect &Rect, System::Byte Opacity = (System::Byte)(0xff))/* overload */;
void __fastcall DrawElement(TSkinComboBox Element, Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas* Canvas, const System::Types::TRect &Rect)/* overload */;
void __fastcall DrawElement(TSkinSpinEdit Element, Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas* Canvas, const System::Types::TRect &Rect)/* overload */;
void __fastcall DrawElement(TSkinGallery Element, Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas* Canvas, const System::Types::TRect &Rect)/* overload */;
void __fastcall DrawElement(TSkinQuickAccessToolbar Element, Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas* Canvas, const System::Types::TRect &Rect)/* overload */;
void __fastcall DrawElement(TSkinScrollBar Element, Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas* Canvas, const System::Types::TRect &Rect)/* overload */;
void __fastcall DrawElement(TSkinStatusBar Element, Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas* Canvas, const System::Types::TRect &Rect, const bool ADrawGripperSeparator = false)/* overload */;
void __fastcall DrawElement(TSkinCheckBox Element, Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas* Canvas, const System::Types::TRect &Rect)/* overload */;
void __fastcall DrawElement(TSkinRadioButton Element, Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas* Canvas, const System::Types::TRect &Rect)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
Vcl.RibbonStyleActnCtrls TRibbonStyleActionBars


Methods to draw a ribbon skin element.

The overloads of DrawElement are methods used to draw a particular ribbon skin element.

The following table lists the parameters of the DrawElement method.

Parameter Meaning


The item to draw from the element group.


Specifies where the element is to be drawn.


The rectangle for drawing the element.


Set to True to center the element within the given rectangle.