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property ObjectBroker: TCustomObjectBroker read FObjectBroker write SetObjectBroker;


__property ObjectBroker;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Datasnap.Win.MConnect TDCOMConnection


Specifies an Object Broker that allows the connection component to choose from several application servers.

Datasnap.Win.MConnect.TDCOMConnection.ObjectBroker inherits from Datasnap.Win.MConnect.TDispatchConnection.ObjectBroker. All content below this line refers to Datasnap.Win.MConnect.TDispatchConnection.ObjectBroker.

Specifies an Object Broker that allows the connection component to choose from several application servers.

Set ObjectBroker to use a broker that maintains a list of servers that support the application specified by ServerName or ServerGUID. When the connection component needs to open a connection, it requests information to identify a server machine from the Object Broker.

Descendants of TDispatchConnection define properties that specify how to locate server machines. These properties are not saved with the connection component if the ObjectBroker property is set. Instead, the Object Broker provides this information dynamically at runtime from its list of available servers.

Applications can use TSimpleObjectBroker for an object broker, or derive their own object brokers from TCustomObjectBroker.

See Also