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function IsBaseURL(const ABaseURL: string): Boolean; override;


virtual bool __fastcall IsBaseURL(const System::UnicodeString ABaseURL);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
EMS.ResourceTypes TEMSCommonResource


Returns True if the specified base URL is the base URL of all endpoint URLs of this EMS resource. It returns False otherwise.

EMS.ResourceTypes.TEMSCommonResource.IsBaseURL inherits from EMS.ResourceAPI.TEMSResource.IsBaseURL. All content below this line refers to EMS.ResourceAPI.TEMSResource.IsBaseURL.

Returns True if the specified base URL is the base URL of all endpoint URLs of this EMS resource. It returns False otherwise.

For example, if your EMS resource has as endpoint URLs "/myresource/foo" and "/myresource/bar", IsBaseURL returns True if the specified base URL is "/myresource" or if it starts with "/myresource/".

IsBaseURL may return True even if the EMS resource cannot handle the specified URL. Continuing the example above, if the specified base URL is "/myresource/foobar", IsBaseURL returns True, but CanHandleRequest would return False.

The default implementation of IsBaseURL always returns True. You should reimplement this method in any subclass of TEMSResource to implement the behavior described above.

See Also