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function DoGetValue(Col, Row: Integer): TValue; override;


virtual System::Rtti::TValue __fastcall DoGetValue(int Col, int Row);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
FMX.Grid TStringGridModel


Is called when the grid, using this grid model, needs to retrieve a value from an external repository to use as the content of one of the cells in the grid.

FMX.Grid.TStringGridModel.DoGetValue inherits from FMX.Grid.TGridModel.DoGetValue. All content below this line refers to FMX.Grid.TGridModel.DoGetValue.

Warning: Subclasses of TGridModel may not call DoGetValue.

Is called when the grid, using this grid model, needs to retrieve a value from an external repository to use as the content of one of the cells in the grid.

DoGetValue calls OnGetValue event handler if this event handler is defined.

Col specifies the column.

Row specifies the row.

See Also