FMX.InAppPurchase.IInAppPurchaseCallbacks Methods

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AddRefpublicIncrements the reference count for this interface.
DoConsumeCompletedpublicCalled after a product has been successfully consumed.
DoConsumeFailedpublicCalled after a product has failed to be consumed.
DoDownloadCompletedpublicCalled after the download of a product's data has been completed.
DoDownloadProgresspublicCalled during the download of a product's data.
DoErrorpublicCalled when an error occurs while retrieving information about a list of product IDs or while purchasing a product.
DoProductsRequestResponsepublicCalled after successfully retrieving information about the specified list of product IDs.
DoPurchaseCompletedpublicCalled after successfully purchasing a product.
DoRecordTransactionpublicCalled after successfully purchasing a product, providing information about the purchase.
DoSetupCompletepublicCalled after successfully establishing a connection to the in-app payment service.
DoVerifyPayloadpublicCalled after obtaining the developer payload string.
QueryInterfacepublicReturns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface.
ReleasepublicDecrements the reference count for this interface.
SupportspublicIndicates whether a given interface supports a specific (another) interface.